
6 Key Points to Understanding Accounts Receivable Financing

Any business in need of a quick influx of cash may look to accounts receivable financing for assistance. By taking advantage of this unconventional lending, you are able to get the cash you need for business expenses or expansion...

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Be Frugal: How to Manage the Budget for Your Business

Any start-up venture or small business is familiar with the need to follow a budget in order to keep their operations cash flow positive. While business might be thriving, you may unexpectedly encounter a period of slow sales or...

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Get Prepared for Applications to Business Loans

If you find yourself in need of additional funds for your small business, there are several options available. You can use traditional lenders such banks or non-bank lenders, or you can try alternative financing like a merchant cash advance,...

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Boost Your Cash Flow in 10 Steps

Cash flow is one of the most crucial components of financial stability within a business. If you are positive, then you have learned to successfully grow and run your business. If you are operating in the negative, it means...

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How Hard Money Loans Can Grow Your Commercial Real Estate Investment

If you are in investor trying to grow your commercial real estate investment, you might want to consider a hard money loan. As you first begin investing, you may not have the assets necessary to meet the strict approval...

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The Pros and Cons of the 5 Common Corporate Structures

If you are looking into starting a business, you will choose a corporate structure by which to organize your business. Each one carries its own strength and weaknesses, and knowing how they work will help you decide which one...

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Benefits of Equipment Financing and Loans

At some point in your operations, your business will be faced with the task of acquiring new equipment. Whether it’s time for digital upgrades, replacing broken machinery and new tools needed to expand operations, your company will understand the...

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Financing Can Assist Sudden Scares That Come With Franchises

Even though you may have the reputation of a quality franchise on your side, it can be difficult to get your business up and running smoothly. In fact, you will encounter challenges like every other business, and you will...

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