Small Business Loan, SBA

Small Business Loan, SBA

Helping You to Achieve Success
with Your Small Business

Congratulations! You’ve finally been able to get your small business off of the ground. We’d like to say that the worst is behind you, but we all know that’s not true. First, you’ll need money to bring on new staff, money to build up your production capacity, money to increase your warehouse storage space. Are you getting the picture of how quickly the fiscal demands of your company can add up? Not to worry; we here at Source Commercial Funding have financing solutions to help ensure your company is able to endure those first few difficult days.

What Does it Mean to be SBA-Preferred?

We hold the distinction of being an SBA Preferred Financial Services company. This allows us access to lender that have been given authority to approve federal small business loans. Because of this access, we’re able to turn your loan application around faster than anywhere else.

You’ve no doubt heard of the SBA loan program, yet you may not be aware of just what it can for you and your company. With a federal small business loan, you have whatever you need in order to:

  • Purchase new commercial real estate properties
  • Buy into a new or existing company
  • Consolidate all of your debt into one account
  • Order new business equipment

A Closer Look at 7(a) and 504 Loan Programs

The SBA is broken into two loan classifications. With a 7(a) loan, you can finance up t0 100 percent of your debt refinancing and your new equipment purchases, 90 percent for real estate ventures, and 80 percent of your business acquisition expenses. Loan amounts can be structured for up to $5 million for payment terms between 7 and 25 years.
If you opt instead for an SBA 504 loan, you’ll get to enjoy many of the same benefits you get with a 7(a), with the added bonuses being able to borrow up to $12 million and the option to carry a second mortgage on certain properties.

Here at Source Commercial Funding, we consider it our pleasure to play a part in the growth of our clients’ businesses. If you’re able to lie down at night knowing that the money from your SBA loan is on the way faster than you ever thought possible, then we’ve done our job right. For more information on how we can help you to get the small business loan that you need, just give us a call today.


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