What Are Bridge Loans and What Can They Be Used For?

As a business owner, you may occasionally find yourself needing some additional cash to get you through the next big project or to purchase a piece of new equipment. You may not be eligible for a conventional business loan,...

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These 2 SBA Loans Can Be the Best Way to Finance Your Franchise

Buying a franchise can be the balance between traditional employment and the unchartered territory of entrepreneurship. As a franchisee, you have access to resources, a sound business model, a recognized brand and some stability. Even still, you will be...

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A Guide: How to Start a Small Business 

Are you ready to start your own business? Before you begin, you probably already know that it isn’t an easy process. It takes a lot of work but at the end of the day, it can be rewarding. No matter how...

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4 Important Tips for Small Business Taxes 

While small business taxes may only be filed once a year, you don’t want to slack on tax preparation all year round. The bill that comes every year is the result of all the choices you’ve made up until that point. In order to...

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How to Balance Your Small Business Budget 

Budgeting for a small business can be difficult when you want to expand as quickly as you can. However, balancing your budget is crucial, especially for a smaller business, because you want to make sure that you are setting...

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What are the Tax Benefits for CRE Investors? 

When you invest in real estate, getting the tax breaks you need isn’t always easy. The simplest way is to purchase direct ownership of a property. However, that’s not an option for everyone. For the commercial real estate investors...

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How Lenders will Evaluate Your Creditworthiness 

For many business owners, getting a loan will be essential at some point. Whether it is during the business startup, during an expansion, or simply due to a temporary loss of profits, business loans are important for keeping a...

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9 Daily Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs 

As a business owner, you know that you have to pull off a lot. You may have to attend marketing meetings, client lunches, press interviews or make sales calls. It’s true that you have a lot of shoes to...

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5 Ways Multifamily Investing is Better Than Single Family 

When investing in real estate, it can always be a bit of a risky business depending on the rise and fall of the housing market. However, some kinds of property investments are more stable than others. Investing in multifamily...

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Tips for Growing Your Franchise Business

Tips for Growing Your Franchise Business

Tips for Growing Your Franchise Business When you own a business that you are trying to expand, it can be a bit difficult finding what works and what doesn’t. However, there are some tools that can be used to grow...

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