
 The Ins and Outs of Equipment Lease Buybacks 

 The Ins and Outs of Equipment Lease Buybacks 

When your business involves the use of heavy equipment, you likely have a lot of cash invested in working capital. Equipment lease buybacks (or factoring) allow you to free up cash, using your working capital as collateral. When your...

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Baltimore Rental Properties For First Time Investors

First Time Baltimore Rental Property Investor Tips: From Location to Property Loans Baltimore rental properties can be lucrative investments for those who are just getting into commercial real estate. Baltimore investment properties provide long-term revenue with little time or labor,...

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An Introduction to CMBS Loans 

As an investor, you may have to apply for a variety of different kinds of loans throughout your career for a number of reasons. You may need to borrow money to start out investing, or you may need a...

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NY Healthcare Financing For Medical Practices

One of the biggest challenges facing New York medical practices is finding adequate financing to cover working capital, equipment, and to maintain a positive cash flow. Fortunately, there are a number of NY healthcare financing options available to ensure...

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Bridge Loans for Commercial Real Estate Investors 

There are a lot of different kinds of loans that you learn about when you work with real estate. Bridge loans are a type of loan that not everyone knows about, and you may wonder what exactly it is....

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Invoice Factoring In Baltimore, MD For Local Business Growth

Invoice factoring in Baltimore, MD has long been used as a means of correcting cash flow issues. However, many local businesses are now using invoice factoring in Baltimore to automate the accounting process, and enable growth projects. Invoice Factoring In...

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3 Reasons Your Small Business Should Consider Accounts Receivable Financing

In small business, cash flow and investment opportunities don’t always coalesce. Bank loans and credit lines often take too long or are insufficient for major investments. When your business needs an influx of cash on hands, consider accounts receivable...

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What to Consider Before Buying a Franchise Business

There is much to consider when thinking about becoming a business owner. Am I cut out to be a business owner? How will I be able to sustain my current lifestyle while owning a business? Should I start my...

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